Packed Lunch Ideas for September and back to Routines!

Read on if you’re in need a bit of packed lunch inspo. Lunch on the go doesn’t always have to be the tried and trusted sandwich-crisps-and-a-snack meal deal. Below are a few boxes of my own that I’ve prepped and eaten in the past which have stood the travel pretty well.

I prefer to thing along the lines of a buddha bowl to help me get a little more creative. You can make two or three for the week ahead (any more than that and day four might be a little less appetizing)

Things you can include if you need inspiration, it’s nice to pick from each section:

  • Carbs / grains - couscous, lentils, wild rice, wholegrain pasta, chickpeas, split peas, kidney beans, butterbeans, pitta bread, quinoa, bulgur, rice noodles

  • Protein / main - Salmon, chicken breast, tinned tuna, hard boiled egg, omlette, prawns, cheese like halloumi, feta or mozerella, falafel, tofu, plant based protein, samosas, pakora

  • Veg & Salad - asparagaus, brocolli, green beans, soya beans, grated carrot, tomatoes, lettuce, roast peppers, aubergines, spring onions, sweetcorn

  • Extras - houmus, guacamole, sunflower seeds, nuts, tzatsiki, greek yogurt, salad dressing (use a mini pot to prevent sogginess), dips, herbs

A cute lunchbox can also help with motivation to prep. Can someone tell me why it’s so satisfying to fill a corner compartment with little things like blueberries or pistachio nuts? Or is that just me?

I have often cooked a couple of extra portions of the night before’s dinner, knowing I will take the leftovers to work the next day. This works especially well with lots of the above. What’s your favourite go to packed lunch?

Yoga Course for July at St Mary's Island, Medway.

Our next course starts on Thursday 7th July and runs for four weeks.

Yoga for Strength & Flexibility where we will be cultivating inner strength and power as well as building physical, external strength in our bodies.

Suitable for all levels, expect to sweat a little but we will also include some meditation, music, relaxation and provide a safe, positive space. New faces especially welcome! You can book here

Yoga class in Chatham, near Rochester Medway Kent.

Fancy Cheese on Toast with Roast Figs, Honey & Pecans

I had something like this for breakfast at the Southampton Harbour Hotel earlier this year. It was made with milder mozerella and the whole concept made such a lovely change from avocado or poached eggs.

I have tried to recreate it here and the goats cheese worked well with the roast figs, honey and pecans.

Super simple and makes a nice lunch. You can also try it with cottage cheese for a low calorie, high protein version too.

I’ve toasted the sourdough here but it was really good griddled too.

Let me know if you try…

Why I persevere with Backbends in Yoga!

Heart Openers and Backbends

A year or so ago I made myself a promise to regularly do poses that I really dislike doing. Not every day, but often enough to progress in them so that over time they became easier and eventually I could hate them less. (that buldging vein in my neck stands testament!)

In this week’s classes we’ve been working on gentle back bends and chest openers, including a few poses I have learned to love a little more.

It’s important when practicing these postures that we feel safe and protected, so go gently and slowly over a period of time, to build trust slowly.

Heart openers work to create physical space inside the chest, around the heart, lungs and in our breath helping cultivate a little more love and compassion, both giving and receiving.

Bridge Pose

Outdoor Bodyweight Exercises For Quarantine's everybody been doing?

It's been a testing few weeks. Life has changed beyond anything we could've imagined a month ago. We're learning a completely new way of living and I never cease to be amazed at the adaptability of the human spirit. We're mostly doing OK.

Scheduling in a daily exercise session during lockdown helps us to keep a sense of routine, crucial for maintaining a sense of well being and stability, when everything else is so fluid and uncertain.

At the moment, we're still allowed to exercise outside, albeit alone (some countries have now stopped this completely). I urge you to get out and make the very most of every minute. Get your trainers on, get out the door whatever the weather, raise the heart rate a little (or a lot). Sweat. Clear your head.

It doesn't matter what your current fitness level is, what's important here is the endorphins from the cardio and some Vitamin D from the sunshine. I can't stress enough how much this will benefit your mental as well as physical heath. Many of us are busy caring for others right now, but we need to take proper care of ourselves in order to do this.

Here's a little compilation of body weight exercises that can be added into your current daily walk, run or even dog walk.

Choose a couple of these exercises to try, or use all of them like a circuit. You can also alternate each exercise or set with a run, hill sprint or stair climb. Try 5 or 10 reps of each exercise and build up to doing 3 sets of each.

1. Single Leg Split Squats (Push through the heel of the supporting leg to come back up)

2. Step Ups (Try a lower step if a bench feels to high)

3. Push Ups (Try doing these on the back of the bench if the seat feels too low)

4. Tricep Dips (Don't come down too low to avoid strain on the shoulder but keep elbows tucked in neatly)

5. Single Leg Hip Thrust (Keep heel of supporting leg pushing down into the ground and don't arch the back, hinge from the hip)

6. Mountain Climbers

7. Step Jumps to finish

Let me know if you try any of these. What else have you been doing to keep your physical and mental strength up?

Six Reasons to Use a Home Mobile Personal Trainer in Medway

Did you know that some personal trainers can come and work with you in the comfort of your own home? Most people think they can only get trained properly if they come to a gym, full of the latest equipment and machines. This is just not true. I have trained some of my most successful clients with the most simple kit used creatively and effectively in the privacy of their own home.

At Home Mobile Personal Trainer Medway

A mobile personal trainer in Medway will bring all the necessary equipment to you. A fully effective workout programme can be created for home visits using things like dumbells, kettlebells, TRX, resistance bands, boxing kit etc. A good PT will know how to maximise the potential of each piece of kit to train you professionally and effectively in the comfort of your own home, garden or even local park.

You can train one to one with a personal trainer outdoors too. Medway has some beautiful outdoor spaces to train - Rochester Esplanade & Castle Gardens, Broomhill Park in Strood, Rochester Riverside, Gillingham Riverside Country Park and lots more in Chatham, Higham, Cliffe, Hoo and the surrounding villages.

Here are six reasons why you might want to consider working with a mobile personal trainer at home in Medway.

  1. Personal training at home is completely private. Many people simply aren’t able (or just don’t want) to face a gym environment. You may feel it’s overcrowded, noisy, intimidating or that you won’t know how to use the equipment. Training with a personal trainer in your own home in Medway means there is no need to feel self conscious or worry about other people watching or judging you.

  2. You don’t have to worry about childcare. There’s no need to worry about who will take care of your little ones. You can train completely effectively while the children are safely close by, so there’s no need to organise childcare at extra cost, time and effort. It’s a great solution for school holidays too.

  3. It’s a non-negotiable appointment. If you struggle with motivation, this is important! Your mobile personal trainer will be there, rain or shine for accountability, motivation and guidance.

  4. Your Home, Your Rules. You’re in charge here so do what makes you feel comfortable - choose your own music, wear whatever you like, shower in your own bathroom afterwards. You are in control when you train with a personal trainer at home in Medway.

  5. No more excuses. With an in-home mobile personal trainer there are no excuses! There’s no need to travel across the Medway Towns, no sitting in traffic, no public transport, you don’t have to find a parking space or face the bad weather. You are far less likely to call in and miss a session when these obstacles are removed, increasing your chances of success!

  6. Build Confidence and Learn New Tricks. Always wanted to master a headstand, side plank rotation or particular yoga posture but never had the confidence to try in the gym? Having your own in-home personal trainer can give you the confidence and guidance to master these tricks in private!

Having your own mobile personal trainer at home in Medway is a great option for total convenience, motivation, building self confidence and hitting those goals. Drop me a message if you’d like to see how it could work for you.

Why You Should Workout Everyday From Now Until Christmas


Can you face the thought of working out EVERY DAY from now until Christmas?! I’m going to do exactly that, and you should try it too. Here’s why.

I read about this idea a few years ago and have tried to do it every December since. It’s a brilliant and simple idea that reduces stress, encourages mindfulness and helps to burn off a little of the December excesses, particularly as we head closer to Christmas week (read rich food, alcohol, shopping, socialising, late nights and so on).

There are tons of frankly pointless generic ‘Workout Advent Calendars’ online. Most sound tedious at best…50 lunges one day, 50 burpess another. No one will stick to that and why would you?

The key is to choose things you LOVE doing. For me the daily workouts take the form of yoga or outdoor running in the darker evenings. They are a brilliant way to get some mental clarity and head space in what can be a pretty hectic time of year. I run, take in the Christmas lights, listen to my breath, and just observe whatever thoughts come to my head. It’s meditative and perfect for this time of year.

Why not try something similar? Your daily workout can be anything you enjoy, from a gym class, PT session, yoga, a swim, a run or a ten minute walk outdoors. It could even be a slow stretch and relax session. It’s not about punishing yourself. It’s about giving some time to yourself at a time when we are giving so much to others. Keep a little journal of what you do each day and how you feel afterwards.

Not only will you be feeling a little fitter, calmer and more centred by Christmas, but you’ll also have a head start in January.

Who’s joining me?