Packed Lunch Ideas for September and back to Routines!

Read on if you’re in need a bit of packed lunch inspo. Lunch on the go doesn’t always have to be the tried and trusted sandwich-crisps-and-a-snack meal deal. Below are a few boxes of my own that I’ve prepped and eaten in the past which have stood the travel pretty well.

I prefer to thing along the lines of a buddha bowl to help me get a little more creative. You can make two or three for the week ahead (any more than that and day four might be a little less appetizing)

Things you can include if you need inspiration, it’s nice to pick from each section:

  • Carbs / grains - couscous, lentils, wild rice, wholegrain pasta, chickpeas, split peas, kidney beans, butterbeans, pitta bread, quinoa, bulgur, rice noodles

  • Protein / main - Salmon, chicken breast, tinned tuna, hard boiled egg, omlette, prawns, cheese like halloumi, feta or mozerella, falafel, tofu, plant based protein, samosas, pakora

  • Veg & Salad - asparagaus, brocolli, green beans, soya beans, grated carrot, tomatoes, lettuce, roast peppers, aubergines, spring onions, sweetcorn

  • Extras - houmus, guacamole, sunflower seeds, nuts, tzatsiki, greek yogurt, salad dressing (use a mini pot to prevent sogginess), dips, herbs

A cute lunchbox can also help with motivation to prep. Can someone tell me why it’s so satisfying to fill a corner compartment with little things like blueberries or pistachio nuts? Or is that just me?

I have often cooked a couple of extra portions of the night before’s dinner, knowing I will take the leftovers to work the next day. This works especially well with lots of the above. What’s your favourite go to packed lunch?