Why You Should Workout Everyday From Now Until Christmas


Can you face the thought of working out EVERY DAY from now until Christmas?! I’m going to do exactly that, and you should try it too. Here’s why.

I read about this idea a few years ago and have tried to do it every December since. It’s a brilliant and simple idea that reduces stress, encourages mindfulness and helps to burn off a little of the December excesses, particularly as we head closer to Christmas week (read rich food, alcohol, shopping, socialising, late nights and so on).

There are tons of frankly pointless generic ‘Workout Advent Calendars’ online. Most sound tedious at best…50 lunges one day, 50 burpess another. No one will stick to that and why would you?

The key is to choose things you LOVE doing. For me the daily workouts take the form of yoga or outdoor running in the darker evenings. They are a brilliant way to get some mental clarity and head space in what can be a pretty hectic time of year. I run, take in the Christmas lights, listen to my breath, and just observe whatever thoughts come to my head. It’s meditative and perfect for this time of year.

Why not try something similar? Your daily workout can be anything you enjoy, from a gym class, PT session, yoga, a swim, a run or a ten minute walk outdoors. It could even be a slow stretch and relax session. It’s not about punishing yourself. It’s about giving some time to yourself at a time when we are giving so much to others. Keep a little journal of what you do each day and how you feel afterwards.

Not only will you be feeling a little fitter, calmer and more centred by Christmas, but you’ll also have a head start in January.

Who’s joining me?